

えどとり Newsletter から

デジタルパンフレット VR学校見学

えどとり Newsletter から

本校では、「聞く」、「話す」だけではなく、「読む」、「書く」ことにも力を入れています。月に1回、英語科が発行している、「えどとりNewsletter」 から、子どもたちが書いた「運動会を終えて」の英作文を紹介します。 (文責 吉田) 

The Cheering Dance
I was able to demonstrate the practice of the cheering dance and it was the most enjoyable athletic event although I did not get the cheering award.
It was an athletic event that lasts for a long time.
By 6-3 H.K.

The Blue Team Won!
We had a sports festival, I was in the blue team. the blue team was in 3rd place until the last race. I ran in the race too, I was the last runner in the race. When I started running, the yellow team was running faster. I ran faster than yellow. Then the blue team won. The final score of the blue team was 889 and we won the sports festival!! By 6-3 K.F.


